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Using Medium to Broaden Your Reach and Funnel Traffic Back to Your Site

Updated: Dec 4, 2021

One of the ways to ensure that the word gets out about your offers is to ensure that you put your content in their way. Know where they go. Know where they get their information and then make sure your information is every place they go.

You want them to see your name or branding information as often as possible. One way to do that is by spreading your content across other services. Medium is such a service.

What is Medium?

Medium is a publishing platform that started in 2012. It tells each person which stories they're more likely to be interested in reading due to their profile information. This means that if someone has filled out their profile and you publish just the right thing, they'll be alerted to your content and more than likely read it.

The reasons you should use it are:

* It's Super Simple -You can integrate it into your existing content and it will pull from it so that you can edit and publish it on Medium without having to start from scratch. Your audience is already there, waiting for your work.

* Engagement is Easy Too - I said it was simple, but I wasn't kidding. Medium also makes engagement easy because it will tell you every few minutes how many people are reading your article to the end.

* They Make it Real - The users of Medium are real people and not bots or scammers. Most of the time, the followers and engagement you get will be actual real people who are really interested in what you have to say.

* Bring them into the Fold - When you publish on Medium, it gives people a chance to discover you. When they do, they can follow you on other social media accounts and eventually join your email list. Before you can do that, you need to give them the right content so that they can get to know you, like you, and trust you.

* Make More Money - You can also join the partner program which will enable you to earn money on your content. You'll make money via engagement, page views, and just because the Medium editors thinks your work is important. That's an awesome thing. If you join their partner program, you'll make money two ways - due to sending traffic to your offers and from Medium.

You can publish work you create on your blog, but you can also publish work that you create only on Medium. It's up to you how you do it. It's highly recommended that the work exists on your blog and on Medium, but if you want to try your hand at using Medium first that's okay too just ensure you have the right information so that your audience can find you.

The higher quality and the more unique your work is, the better success you will have on Medium.

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